Classic handbags
100% Authentic. We Sell Authentic branded bags at Woodlands Causeway Point#04-k04/k05 Since 2012 Feel Free to message us or visit our shop before you place order online. luxebags Item comes with price tag, care card, luxebags giftbox for wallet or dust bag for handbags, and our $50 in store purchase shop voucher. Bag Outlet 3036 IMAA8 Signature Canvas Anna Foldover Crossbody Clutch Women's Shoulder Bag Brown / Black Brown (fj22)size A4 size compatibleApproximately 20 cm wide x 12 cm long x 3 cm wide / Shoulder length: Approximately 111.5-129 cm (diagonal), Pitch width: 3 cm / Weight: Approximately 240 gColor Brown / blackmaterial PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) Coated Canvas / LeatherQuality Opening and closing type: Snap / Internal style: Zipper pocket x 1, Open pocket x 9External style: Open pocket x 1